You might experience some tenderness and soreness of your teeth and mouth with the first few days of braces. This is completely normal and usually subsides within a week. Your teeth might even feel a little loose (after all – they’re on the move!) Some patients say there. is no discomfort, others like to keep some Advil or Tylenol handy for a couple of days after they start treatment.
Your lips, cheeks, or tongue may feel irritated for the first week or two of having braces but be reassured that will subside as your mouth gets used to them. If needed, you can use the dental wax we provide you with to cover up spots on your braces that may be irritating or cutting into your cheeks and gums.
Don’t forget how important it is to maintain excellent oral hygiene habits while undergoing orthodontic treatment in Auburn. Thorough brushing and flossing keep bacteria at bay, which keeps your whole mouth healthier in the long run.